
No queue music with our support

If urgent help is needed, how do we ensure that customer inquiries are processed promptly?

The role of detailed planning in the daily work of the shop floor

Production planning is an essential part of the shop floor's daily work. This means that the availability of a detailed planning SaaS must be guaranteed at all times. We are a reliable partner and our goal is the sustainable integration and support of our detailed planning in customer processes. To ensure that this is not just a promise, these points are also contractually regulated in our Service Level Agreements (SLA).

Problems? No long waiting times!

What happens when there is a problem? Do you have to wait in a phone queue for hours and listen to queue music while the situation gets worse by the minute? No! As a rule, problems are detected and resolved by our monitoring solution before our customers even notice them. However, if a problem does occur, we at PAILOT have established a simple and time-saving support process:

  1. Send us an e-mail:
    Send us an e-mail with a brief description of the problem and, if possible, a screenshot.
  1. Fast response:
    Your known contact person from onboarding will contact you immediately, while our technical support team analyzes the error message in the background and rectifies it as quickly as possible.
  1. Independent data correction:
    If there are discrepancies in the customer data, e.g. not all the information required for planning has been entered, our customers can independently display all the missing information by e-mail, SMS or via our PAILOT Cockpit user interface and add it directly - without having to wait for our support.

With this efficient support process, we ensure that our customers can always rely on our production planning software and quickly receive the help and optimal solutions they need.