
An interview with Peter Gal from STARTEAM Global, Jiangyou

STARTEAM Global uses PAILOT for flexible, customizable detailed scheduling. Peter Gal reports on the benefits, including transparency and efficiency, and recommends PAILOT to other manufacturers.

In today's ever-evolving world of PCB manufacturing, it is essential to remain flexible and adaptable. STARTEAM Global, a leading manufacturer in Jiangyou, has mastered this change by implementing the PAILOT system. We had the pleasure of interviewing Peter Gal, a key player at STARTEAM Global, to find out his experiences and opinions about PAILOT.

How has PAILOT helped you to achieve your production targets?

Peter Gal emphasizes that PAILOT's high adaptability to the dynamic state of production was key to achieving their ambitious goals. "With its high adaptability to the dynamically changing status of production, PAILOT helps to adjust the plans accordingly and continuously, no matter at what stage and aspect something changes, across the entire production process. This is the key to achieving our ambitious goals," he said.

Which PAILOT function do you like best and why?

Peter Gal was particularly impressed by the transparency that PAILOT offers. "The feature I like the most is the transparency of the plans provided by the Cockpit UI, which gives us an overview of the work PAILOT has done in the background. Whether it's current or past plans, there are visualized and listed details available that make it easier to understand and analyze."

Would you recommend PAILOT to other PCB manufacturers? If so, why?

When asked whether he would recommend PAILOT to others, Peter Gal answered with a resounding yes without hesitation. "Yes, I would recommend it because using PAILOT gives a sense of flexibility, adaptability and consistency in a dynamic environment with many influencing factors."

How would you describe the cooperation and communication with the PAILOT team during the implementation phase?

The implementation phase of a new system can often be challenging, but not so for STARTEAM Global. "The collaboration with the PAILOT team is always smooth and very comprehensive, whether it's questions about defining complete workflows or day-to-day work on small improvements," says Peter Gal. This seamless communication has contributed significantly to the success of the implementation.

Has the introduction of PAILOT had an impact on the way you work as a company, apart from the planning process?

Peter Gal admits that the introduction of PAILOT has had a far-reaching impact on STARTEAM Global. "The way PAILOT has been integrated into our workflows has certainly had various effects on the organizational structure, daily tasks and production targets. The focus has shifted from the previous procedures to the use of PAILOT."

Are there any functions that you would like PAILOT to offer in the future?

Finally, we asked Peter Gal about possible improvements or functions that he would like to see in PAILOT in the future. "What I would like to see from PAILOT in the future is the possibility of a deeper analysis of the plans in the Cockpit UI, such as an extended search function and a data export function in formats that enable further analysis of the extracted data in third-party applications." These enhancements would further exploit the potential of PAILOT and create even more added value for users.

Peter Gal's answers illustrate how crucial PAILOT is for efficiency and adaptability in STARTEAM Global's modern production environment. It is clear that the collaboration between STARTEAM Global and PAILOT is not only smooth, but also highly productive. Through continuous adaptation and improvement, PAILOT helps STARTEAM Global meet and exceed its production targets.