
Introduction to the PAILOT product world: PAILOT Bridge

Introducing the third member of our PAILOT family: The PAILOT Bridge.

🚀 We proudly present the third member of our PAILOT family: the Bridge

The Bridge is the ideal solution for companies that want to take advantage of PAILOT but have limited IT resources. With our Bridge, we take care of the technical integration work for you and enable you to go live with PAILOT in just a few weeks.

By providing your data in your preferred format - be it database views from ERP and MES or files in formats such as XML or Excel - you ensure that your data is accessible to the bridge. Our intelligent bridge then takes over the task of receiving this data and translating it into the correct format for the PAILOT Engine's standardized interface. The planning results can also be output directly in the desired format. The plug-and-play principle thus becomes reality with the bridge.

Of course, the Bridge can also be used through seamless integration in our Cockpit to make your production planning even more efficient.

We understand that IT departments have limited capacity. That's why we want to help you conserve this valuable resource. With the Bridge, you can increase your productivity without putting additional strain on your IT teams.

Discover how the PAILOT Bridge can help your business today!