
PAILOT at the MBG Baden-Württemberg GmbH bridge day

Start-ups meet SMEs at the MBG Baden-Württemberg GmbH bridge day

This revealed promising synergies between innovative start-ups and established SMEs. With a mixture of depth and humor, Rico Knapper managed to paint a picture in his presentation that not only made planners and production managers laugh, but also spoke to them from the heart.

It became clear that a deep understanding of the challenges in the customers' planning processes is not only valuable, but essential for fruitful collaboration. The ability to work with scenario analyses proves to be a decisive added value that customers not only need, but that also makes the solutions more tangible for them.

The informal atmosphere and MBG's understanding of the challenges faced by both start-ups and SMEs was particularly positive. The MBG Bridge Day showed once again how important the dialog between the start-up scene and SMEs is in order to build a bridge between innovation and the established economy.

A big thank you goes to everyone involved for their commitment and their contribution to an event that will provide lasting impetus for the future.